If you’re considering a career change, I will enable you to fully explore alternative career options that are most suited to your skills, talents, gifts and interests.
If you’re looking to prepare for re-entering your previous career after a period of absence such as becoming a parent or a long illness, I will intensively support and prepare you - helping to develop and strengthen your sense of personal confidence and self-belief.
My philosophy
We are born with a birthright - that birthright is to live lives which express who we truly are. Lives where our relationships with ourselves, with others, with our work and with our world, bring us joy, love and satisfaction.
Lives where we are able to manage, change and overcome challenges creatively and with resilience. Lives where we feel that we are growing towards achieving our potential. Lives that express our gifts and our talents.
"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.”
How it works
In the course of our first online or face-to-face session together we will get to know each other so I can get a better idea about who you are and how I can offer you the most effective support.
If you are living in the UK I will introduce you to the Career and Learning Development platform KUDOS AD. You will then have free access to the platform indefinitely.
If you live in Ireland, we will use the CAREERS PORTAL platform which offers an extensive resource for Career choice, development and research.
If you choose the online service, I will demonstrate to you how to use the KUDOS AD platform. (KUDOS AD is designed by Loughborough University UK) or the Careers Portal platform as appropriate. This will be done using the SKYPE screen sharing facility.
I will guide you in a clear and simple manner how to undertake required assessments/questionnaires if I feel they will support you by increasing 'self-awareness' which is critical to making a successful career choice.
A full interpretation of the results of your assessments will be provided so that you can take your career exploration further.
I will work collaboratively with you on creating a clear ‘Action Plan’ as well guiding you to you to make informed decisions and choices.
We constantly review your progress until you feel you have found the right career pathway that meets your unique set of needs, career interests and aspirations.
”We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time"
T.S. Elliot: 'Little Gidding
Barbara's Toolkit
Our ‘Toolkit’ includes free and unlimited access to a platform called KUDOS. KUDOS is a Career Learning and Development platform designed by Loughborough University. It will provide you with an expansive of range of ‘tools’ to support you with the next phase of your career exploration and development.
If we decide that using KUDOS is necessary to help you explore your future career direction we will support you on how to use the platform firstly by enabling you to screen share and secondly by giving you clear directions on its use. We will interpret the results together as we progress through our sessions together. I will study the results in between our sessions so we are fully prepared to progress through our sessions methodically and effectively.
This is an essential tool if you feel you might like to change your career direction but you are unsure which career would best suit or match your unique set of interests. KUDOS will suggest career ideas based on how you answer a range of questions.
Your ‘Personality’ profiler
Gives you clear insight into your personality traits - and what careers these would fit
‘Skills’ assessment
Helps you identify your current skills set and will help you identify skills you may need to develop if you want to successfully pursue an alternative career pathway
Further Training options & courses
Should you feel you need to “upskill” to successfully reach your chosen career destination.
It also provides you with:
This a psychometrically designed intelligence assessment. Aptitude tests, of this type, are increasingly used by both potential employers and careers advisors, who find that they provide valuable insight into a person's potential and likely performance within a career.
Aptitudes tested include:
Verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning
Two- and three-dimensional spatial reasoning
Arithmetic calculation
Working quickly and accurately - a test of clerical speed and competence.
The results show how you compare in each test with people of your own age and educational background. The programme analyses your scores and provides a review of them for you. You will receive an extensive individual report from Cambridge Occupational Analysts.