Terms of Use, Security & Confidentiality
The Barbara Verner Counselling and Coaching Service aims to provide a secure and confidential service. To this end I ensure that my computer is regularly updated with anti-virus software, is password protected and is not used by anyone else. All instant chat messages are encrypted and all calls are carried out in a safe un-interrupted private setting
Clients using the services of the Barbara Verner Counselling and Coaching Service are responsible for the maintenance and protection of their own computer and for regularly updating their security software.
Clients are responsible for making the necessary arrangements to ensure confidentiality from their end during sessions and afterwards where computers may be shared. Clients should avoid sending or receiving emails at WI-FI hotspots unless sure that the connection is secure.
Clients need to be aware, when using the SKYPE platform that it is only end to end encrypted when they are using a laptop device. It is NOT end to end encrypted when using a mobile phone to Barbara Verner’s laptop.
Personal data is required for my own records and may be stored by Barbara Verner in a secure file and may not be released to a third party except under court order.
Clients accept that there are limits to confidentiality. While the content of the sessions and the client’s identity is treated with the strictest confidence, this may cease should the client disclose criminal activity, child sexual abuse, or material which leads the therapist to believe that the client poses a threat to the safety of themselves or others or where the safety of a minor is threatened. In all instances where it may be necessary to break confidentiality the client will be informed prior to any action being taken. Clients accept that in the name of best practice the counsellor is required to attend regular supervision and that your identity will remain confidential.
All records and data relating to the counselling session remains the property of the counsellor and no part of session content may be used by any other party for publication in any form, or use in study without the written consent of the counsellor.
The Barbara Verner Counselling and Coaching Service is GDPR compliant. No client information: email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses or any information shared online will be disclosed to a third party. Should a client request information it will be forwarded to them only. If a client wishes me to delete information I will follow their request.
Terms of Use
Counselling is an accompanied journey into self. While the counsellor/coach will accompany clients on their journey, clients are fully responsible for their actions, decisions and behaviours, during, between and after counselling/coaching sessions. The contract of engagement in counselling with the Barbara Verner Counselling and Coaching Service is subject to acceptance by the client that the terms of use and the confidentiality and security policy have been accepted and understood. By accepting the terms of use clients permanently agree to release and indemnify the Barbara Verner Online Counselling Service from all actions, suits, law suits and claims originating from counselling and psychotherapy as provided by the Barbara Verner Counselling Service. The Barbara Verner Online Counselling and Coaching Service accepts no responsibility for client’s telephone or computer systems, nor any technical difficulties occurring in connection with www.bvernercounsellilng.com .
Clients accept that in the course of therapy unpleasant and upsetting emotions may be experienced. Clients accept that this is not a free service and that all sessions are subject to a fee.
Sessions are of a set time of one hour. Clients are responsible for ensuring that they are available to start the session on time. As all sessions will end on time sessions that do not begin on time will be of a reduced time but subject to the full hourly fee. Sessions affected by technical difficulties or cancellations on behalf of the therapist will be subject to a full refund or a rescheduled session. Clients may end therapy at any time but in the interest of closure all clients will be asked to attend for a closing session.
Barbara Verner will monitor and review the process with clients to ensure that the client and she as the therapist agree that they feel they can work together comfortably and successfully. However, should Barbara Verner, as therapist believe, that her professional competency does not meet the need of the client she will inform the client and refer them to another therapist and or agency. Barbara Verner adheres to the Code of Ethics of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists at all times.
48 hours notice should be given for all cancellations by clients. Sessions missed or cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will incur the full cost of the session. Cancellations by Barbara Verner will result in a full refund or a rescheduled session as per the client’s request.
Technology Breakdown:
Working online means that there are occasionally technological problems. If you are unable to get online, you may wish to leave me a telephone message or text message on 00447999087865 to give me an alternative method of contacting you. You may want to give me a means of contacting you if I cannot get online. If I do not hear from you that you have received my email within 72 hours of sending it, I will resend it, in case there has been a problem. If I then do not hear from you I will assume that you do not wish to continue working with me. If at any point during our work together you decide that you wish to end our contract I would very much appreciate it if you would let me know this.
While counselling and coaching sessions provide the space for clients to work through difficult feelings and emotions, Barbara Verner will not accept threatening or abusive behaviour towards her. Such behaviour may result in the session ending and the client being liable for the full session cost.
Clients and all users of the site bvernercounselling.com are not permitted to attempt to damage the site in any way through the introduction of viruses, Trojans, trolls, or any form of malicious or harmful technology. Details of any breach of this will be forwarded to the relevant authorities.
Barbara Verner will not respond to requests to 'Friending' on FACEBOOK, 'Following' on Twitter or 'Linking' on LINKEDIN or any other social media platform.
All payment is through Paypal. Paypal accepts all major credit cards.
All payments should be made at least 48 hours prior to the session.
GDPR Compliance - General Data Protection Regulations
Data subject
The person whose personal data is being processed.
Personal data
Personal data is any personal information that could be used to identify the individual directly or indirectly. Under GDPR the definition is more detailed than under DPA 1998.
Previously, this data might be a name, address or photo, but it can now also be an email address, computer IP address, medical information, dietary requirements and social media posts. This reflects technological changes and how organisations collect information about people today. GDPR also applies to both automated personal data and to manual filing systems.
If you have any queries in relation to the protection of your personal information please do not hesitate to ask.
By accepting the terms of use clients agree to comply with the following:
Clients must be over 18. A Parental/Carer consent form will need to be signed for clients under the age of 18.
Clients accept responsibility for checking that the laws in their country of residence permit their use of this service.
Clients have read the policy on confidentiality, security and the terms of use and understand their implications.
Clients agree that the use of the service is for counselling and coaching services and not part of any academic study.
Clients accept that the publication of details pertaining to sessions must not be undertaken without the prior written consent of Barbara Verner.
Clients accept that contact between the client and counsellor/coach take place within the session, the only exceptions being for the purpose of cancellation or rescheduling or as per contracted by client and Barbara Verner.
Clients agree to disclose honestly their medical history and all current medications.
Clients understand that this is not a free service and that all sessions are subject to payment in advance.
Clients accept that should Barbara Verner believe that her client's issues are beyond her professional competency, in the best interests of her clients she will refer them to a relevant alternative agency.
Barbara Verner is covered by Professional Liability Insurance.
However, clients enter the property, 2 Rowan Close, Staple, CT3 1JH, where my practice is conducted from, at their own risk. All precautions are taken to ensure that the surroundings are safe and secure at all times. Home or Professional Liability Insurance does not cover a client causing or experiencing physical injury to themselves while entering, while they are in the property or whilst leaving the property.